Measure 102: Amendment for Affordable Housing Bonds

Oregon Measure 102 is a statewide ballot measure that will make it easier to create more affordable housing throughout the state. This simple change will stretch public dollars by allowing local governments to partner with private and nonprofit partners to build more affordable housing with bonds.

The Oregon Legislature referred this ballot measure to voters with a bipartisan, nearly unanimous vote. By making this small change, local communities throughout the state will be able to create more affordable housing for thousands of hard working families, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities while spending bond funds more efficiently.

What is the official ballot title for Measure 102?

Amends Constitution: Allows local bonds for financing affordable housing with
nongovernmental entities. Requires voter approval, annual audits.

See full details in the Oregon Secretary of State voter guide.

Why is Measure 102 important?

Currently, an outdated ban in Oregon’s constitution prevents local governments from using affordable housing bonds more efficiently by collaborating with nonprofits and local businesses. This significantly limits the number of affordable homes that can be created with taxpayer-approved bonds. By lifting the ban, local governments will be able to create more permanently affordable affordable homes in partnership with outside groups — without additional burden on taxpayers.

How much will Measure 102 cost?

Nothing! In fact, Measure 102 will make local affordable housing bond spending more efficient, creating more housing without added cost to taxpayers.

Who supports Measure 102?

More than 500 organizations, business, elected officials and community leaders throughout Oregon support Measure 102.

Who is eligible to vote on Measure 102?

All registered Oregon voters will have the opportunity to vote on Measure 102.



(971) 238-9683


Yes for Affordable Housing
PO Box 42307
Portland, OR 97242